Romit LTD is a partner in the project ECoVem – European Center of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics – Erasmus + KA3 – Dedicated VET Tools, Centers of Vocational Excellence
nº 620101-EPP-1-2020-1-BG-EPPKA3-VET-COVE.

ECoVEM project brings together VET centres, polytechnics, industrial associations, social partners to establish European Cooperation platform of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics to tackle the challenges of: digitalisation, artificial intelligence, green technologies, gender equality and technology, integration of migrants. ECoVEM builds on and complements the strengths of national VET systems in countries with more-advanced VET and supports the not so advanced regions to achieve VET excellence. ECoVEM implements innovative instructional approaches towards life-long capacity to self-regulate learning, hard skills and soft skills using the ecosystems-based theoretical models and performance support systems.

ECoVEM Objectives:
• Networking of CoVEs, industrial and social partners to share ideas, and experiences towards vocational excellence in microelectronics
• To develop innovative VET curricula for EQF 3 to 8 in Microelectronics in collaboration with companies and social partners
• To disseminate the microelectronics achievements in digitalisation, green energy, robotics, space technologies and medicine to raise the attractiveness of VET and microelectronics through open days, international schools and competitions
• To ensure sustainable governance at national and EU levels
• To tackle non-discrimination and social inclusion in VET focusing on the gender dimension of employability in the sector and VET for immigrants

ECoVEM Questionnaire about Labour-market needs

Cover for Ecovem


EU funded project aims to establish a transnational cooperation platform of Centers of Vocational Excellence in Microelectronics (ECoVEM) to tackle the challenges of 21st century.

2 weeks ago

Training implementation (WP4) – T4.3- Field Trial – Teacher’s training University professors’ training in Photovoltaics (EQF 8)Intensive INES-ECoVEM course on “Photovoltaic cells and modules: industrial fabrication process, R&D trends, ageing and characterization” As agreed with professors from the University Institute of Technology of Grenoble (UGA) who teach in the departments of Physics and Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, INES-PFE (INES Training and Expertise Department) developed for them a tailored intensive ECoVEM teachers’ training (EQF 8) on “Photovoltaic cells and modules: industrial fabrication process, R&D trends, ageing and characterization”. These modular and adjustable training courses were given to 14 University professors form both Departments, according to their specific needs. Indeed, each professor could follow one to four of the proposed modules during 4 half-days (4x 4h).As an introduction, the ECOVEM project was presented in details. Then, the training covered a wide range of topics, from global and European market dynamics to photovoltaic cell and module manufacturing processes, with a special emphasis on solar cell physics and technological solutions to increase their efficiency, as well as characterization tools and procedures. The objective was to provide state-of-the-art information on Research and Development trends, along with the latest industrial innovations. In addition to theoretical lessons, the participants had the opportunity to visit facilities such as Certisolis certification laboratory, INES-CEA research laboratories (Photovoltaic silicon ingots, cells, modules and systems laboratories), as well as the INES technical and educational platform (INES-PFE). Furthermore, the last training day was specifically dedicated to characterization techniques and equipment, and practical work was specially designed on INES-PFE technical platform for indoor and outdoor characterization of photovoltaic cells and modules.The Professors from UGA were highly satisfied, as 90% of them rated the modular training as Good or Very good. Furthermore, future collaborations are planned to implement INES-ECoVEM courses in their respective Departments curricula. The first step took place during June of 2024, as INES trainer provided a 2.5-day (17h) training course for 62 students specialized in Physics and Instrumentation (3rd year – EQF 6). For a better interaction, the courses were delivered 3 times both at INES facilities and at Grenoble University, in small groups of 20 students. Then, INES will assist UGA professors to implement such courses in their next year curricula. Indeed, the main objective of this teachers’ training was for these professors to develop new theoretical and technical course modules, as well as new practical work with appropriate tools to improve their existing training offer.During ECoVEM Pilot Test phase, such high-level modular and adjustable Teachers’ trainings (EQF 8) had already been given to Professors form INSA-Lyon engineering school, as well as researchers, engineers and technicians form research laboratories (CEA-LPH, CEA-ISAS) and all engineers and technicians form CERTISOLIS certification laboratory.Such teacher’s trainings contribute to the goals of ECOVEM project, aiming at strengthening skills in microelectronics at European level, INES-PFE being particularly active in supporting the strategic sector of the photovoltaic industry. Indeed, teachers’ training in these cutting-edge technologies is essential for professors to raise awareness among their students about future career opportunities, thus fostering vocations and supporting the urgent comeback of the PV industry in France and in Europe. Contact INES-ECoVEM technical trainer in Photovoltaics:Jean-François Lelièvre : ECoVEM - Program ERASMUS+ | INES - Institut National de l'Énergie Solaire ( Training and Expertise Department (INES-PFE) plays an essential role in the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge in the field of solar photovoltaics. As a reference centre in the fields of expertise and innovation, and with the support of national and European projects such as ECoVEM, INES is committed to training and supporting key players, particularly teachers, to meet the challenges of tomorrow. ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Business-Science-Education Partnership – Best Practices in Microelectronics from ECoVEM project. Full story : ... See MoreSee Less
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2 months ago

Business-Science-Education Partnership – Best Practices in Microelectronics from ECoVEM project. Reveal all the details at : ... See MoreSee Less
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