Training of students from University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski in Embedded microprocessor systems in the framework of ECoVEM project

In the period from 1.05.2024 to 15.06.2024 in the framework of ECoVEM project, Prof. Dimitar Tokmakov and Engineer Nikolay Nedelev from Romit Ltd delivered trainings for students from the University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski from the specialty Information and Computer Engineering in Embedded microprocessor systems.
The training took place in both bases of the University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski in the city of Plovdiv and the city of Smolyan.
More than 40 students in the 3rd year of study of the Information and Computer Engineering course participated in the trainings, using trsining materials from the five courses developed by Romit OOD in the framework of Ecovem project:

Microprocessor systems
Design and fabrication of PCB
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
LoraWan technology
Computer modelling and simulation in Analogue electronics

The students used the learning environment , which was specially created for the online courses of the Technical University of Sofia and Romit OOD.
New innovative approaches such as Performance support systems, Project based learning, Simulation Based Learning, Blended Learning and Use of AI in modern vocational education and training were used in the training. All these innovative learning methods are specially researched and documented in the “INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN FOR INNOVATIVE LEARNING METHODOLOGIES” guidelines specially developed by Romit LTD for the ECoVEM project.

To successfully complete the training on Embedded Microprocessor Systems, the students developed individual practical projects on the following topics:

• IoT device with SoC ESP32 or ESP8266 that measures temperature and relative humidity and sends data to ThnkSpeak IoT platform;
• Speed control of a DC motor with a microcontroller;
• Distance measurement with ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04, with temperature and relative humidity measurement compensation;
• Wheel robot with 2 WD – (DC) motors, Bluetooth module and L298 H-Bridge;
• Control of RGB – strip LED from ESP32 web server;
• Weather station with BME280 sensor and web server.
• Soil moisture meter with capacitive sensor;
• CO2 meter with NDIR sensor S8;

The elements and necessary materials for the student’s projects were provided by Romit LTD, and University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski provided the training facility and laboratory measuring instruments.
The students were assisted by Dimitar Tokmakov and Nikolay Nedelev from Romit LTD in the development of their projects, the hardware and software implementation, as well as the documentation of the electronic circuits in the KiCad environment.
Through this blended learning training, state-of-the-art training methods were used and the implementation of the Ecovem Business-science-education (BSE) partnership plan as well as the Ecovem Governance Action Plan was demonstrated in practice.
The goals set in the Action Plan for Business-Science-Education Cooperation were achieved:

• Development of joint training courses, master’s and PhD programmes between universities and industry in the field of electronics and microelectronics, which cover the specific knowledge and skills needed by industrial partners;
• Involvement of companies (especially SMEs) into VET courses by providing concrete industrial practices/business cases that students must solve together (with the support of trainers) including designs and prototypes development;
• Integration into VET curricula of proposals for master’s thesis/final degree work topics according to the needs of companies in microelectronics;